What is Drapers' Multi-Academy Trust

Drapers’ Multi-Academy Trust was founded in July 2014. The trust aims to deliver first-class education to all the educational institutions they are involved in and create the opportunity for all pupils to succeed. The Drapers’ Trust is supported by The Drapers’ Company and Queen Mary University of London.

All academies that are a part of a Multi-Academy Trust are governed by one trust and a single board of directors. The directors are responsible for decisions relating to each academy such as the curriculum and staffing. Drapers’ Trust has taken the decision to create a local governing body for each of its academies.

Further information on becoming an Academy or part of a Multi-Academy Trust can be obtained from the following website:

Becoming an Academy/Multi Academy Trust

Drapers’ Multi-Academy Trust

The Trust adopted new Articles of Association in January 2025.

Articles of AssociationMaster Funding Agreement - July 2014Supplementary Funding Agreement - Drapers' Academy - OriginalSupplementary Funding Agreement - Drapers' Academy - NewSupplementary Funding Agreement - Drapers' Brookside Junior SchoolWhen the Trust agreed with the Secretary of State to open a Free School, a second master Funding Agreement was required for this school, and all future schools.

Master Funding Agreement - March 2015 onwardsSupplementary Funding Agreement - Drapers' Maylands Primary SchoolOn 1st September 2016, two additional schools joined the Trust, and this required a consolidated single new Master Funding Agreement and Supplemental Funding Agreements to replace the previous agreement. The Articles of Association remain unchanged.  These new Funding documents are:

Deed of Variation - Drapers' Multi-Academy TrustSchedule 1 - Original Master Funding AgreementSchedule 4 - Existing Drapers' Maylands Primary School Master Funding AgreementSchedule 5 - Existing Drapers' Maylands Primary School Supplemental Funding AgreementSchedule 6 - New Master Funding AgreementSchedule 7 - New Drapers' Academy Supplemental Funding AgreementSchedule 8 - New Drapers' Brookside Junior School Supplemental Funding AgreementSchedule 9 - New Drapers' Maylands Primary School Supplemental Funding AgreementDrapers' Brookside Infant School - Supplemental Funding AgreementDeed of Variation - Pyrgo Priory Academy Trust

Schedule 1 - Existing Funding AgreementSchedule 2 - New Drapers' Pyrgo Priory School Supplemental Funding AgreementThe Trust Board has ultimate accountability for the schools and they exercise this accountability through Trust Board meetings and Local Governing Bodies for each school.  The Local Governing Bodies have their authority defined by the Scheme of Delegation.

In addition to the Local Governing Bodies, the Trust Board has established two committees which are listed below, with their Terms of Reference.

Finance, Risk & Audit Committee - Terms of ReferenceRemuneration Committee - Terms of Reference

Other Terms of Reference

Local Governing Body - Terms of ReferenceTrust Board - Terms of Reference


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Drapers' Academy

Settle Rd, Harold Hill, Romford, RM3 9XR
Principal: Ms G Dineen
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Drapers' Academy